Trade fair participation costs and budgeting

Trade fair participation preparations will not be deemed completed without a comprehensive budget study. If participation to a trade fair is for the first time, it is natural that difficulties will be faced in estimation of all trade fair expenses. Therefore, it will be necessary to work on all trade fair expense items in detail to prepare the trade fair budget. For evaluation of the benefits of the trade fair, it must be analyzed which ones of the returns in the period between 6 months and 1 year after closing of the trade fair are attributable to the trade fair. The trade fair participation expenses will vary depending on individual participation or participation through a promotion agency to trade fairs participated in at the national level. In trade fairs participated in through a promotion agency, a great majority of procedures relating to the trade fair are performed by the promoter and a participation fee prepared on m2 basis is collected for services to be provided to participants. It is possible to derive this fee by multiplying the m2 you want to participate with by the unit price. In general, minimum stand sizes are set as 9 m2 and 12 m2. In case of individual participation in the trade fair, all organization work may have to be conducted by the participant and each item must be carefully planned and budgeted...